Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fresh Start

Hello. This is my very first blog post...ever. I'm starting this blog to help me keep track of all the crafts, events, holidays, and birthdays I encounter. And there's normally a lot within a year. But this year, (Dec.2009-Dec.2010) I am taking on a tidal wave of special occasions. I have been blessed to become a mother over this past year and that alone is one continuous task. So with the role of being mommy, I had to become even more involved in everything.
Well as  I stated I have had a nice number of special occasions this year. Mainly because I've had a nice number of changes in my life. Aside from becoming a new mother, I was also fortunate enough to go through my pregnancy and motherhood thus far, with two of my sisters (who aren't my biological sisters but we don't think that). So as you can image we all had to prepare for three of everything. 3 baptisms, 3 Easters, 3 Halloweens, 3 christmas' and don't forget birthdays. (who all happen to be weeks apart lol) Then to top it all another close friend and my sister (biological) announced their pregnancies. See a tidal wave.
So this year there has been baptisms, baby showers, birthdays, and I still need to prepare for Christmas, a first birthday party, and one more baby shower. But at least this year is coming to an end.....And then New Years.

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