Glass Etching

One of the things I enjoy doing in my spare time (which is rare when I have some) is glass etching. It's pretty simple and fun. I love admiring my work when I'm done. Unfortunately I haven't made any items to keep for myself. (I've given as gifts.)

 This was my first glass etching project. It reads: WE [heart]...

 BRANDON. This was a gift for one of my staff members. He loved it.
 The second glass he received reads: My Clients...


 ME. I'm glad he loved it.

 This is a shot glass I made for a friend. There's a city around the bottom. And stars scattered around the rest of the glass.

 This margarita glass (was for the same friend) has butterflies flying on it.
 They start small near the stem of the glass. Than get bigger they reach the top of the glass.
This one has so far been my favorite. :-D